I was saddened to learn of the recent passing of poet and spoken-word artist Gil Scott-Heron. What Gil Scott-Heron's amazing poetry meant to me was that poems could inspire peoples' social consciousness and raise their awareness. And that they could do so in a way that was really cool! I could respond aesthetically and emotionally - and even politically - to the words of an African American voice whose life and life experiences were very different from my own. I am someone who grew up in a fairly homogeneous small-town rural culture in southeast Iowa and then Nebraska. Reading Gil Scott-Heron's poetry and listening to his rhymes made me stretch outside the boundaries of that culture to realize bigger connections in the social fabric of American life. With his passing, many of the most influential voices of hip hop and rap have come forward to celebrate Scott-Heron's legacy as they themselves (artists ranging from Chuck D to Eminem) see their art as apprec...