Baker kicks it old school
Today is Roy Baker's birthday. Dr. Baker was a great school leader who shepherded the Norris District through unprecedented growth and helped us come roaring back when a tornado decimated our campus. More importantly to me, Roy is a friend and a mentor. The best advice Baker ever gave me? I'll share it with you: "I don't care what somebody else says the message is. The only thing that matters is what the message is based upon your actions." Stay focused on results! Baker's always done that. He's wired that way. I spoke with him this afternoon to wish him a happy b-day, asked what he was up to. I had heard he'd been doing well in a local golf league paired up with Gary DeBoer. Baker growled, "We actually lost today so we're going to get second." No prizes for second and "Good is the enemy of great." Keep striving and stay focused on results. Happy Birthday, Doc.