The Board of Education has determined that a bond issue will be before the Norris district in March, 2012. The plan will call for a new grades 3, 4, 5 elementary school to be located just northwest of the existing middle school. I have had many people ask me for my opinion about the issue and the timing of the request. It is well known that Norris, just like the vast majority of districts across the state, underwent a budget cut in state aid last spring. While the Nebraska economy has remained relatively strong, we are still emerging from a recession and the economy is still in recovery mode. With that said, it is actually an ideal time for Norris to move forward with a building project. The rationale is quite simple. There are three bases for it. #1: The Need: Our current Elementary school is at capacity. We were already at 95% capacity when DLR and Olsson Associates completed a site development study on behalf of the district in 2008. We haven't...