The conference was held November 29 and 30 in Washington, DC. It was sponsored by the Partnership For A Healthier America and I spoke in the Healthy Schools strand on behalf of the Alliance For A Healthier Generation. Comments: I am John Skretta, Norris superintendent. To give you some idea of our context so you know where I'm coming from, we are a district of over 2,000 students in southeast Nebraska just south of our capitol city, Lincoln. We are a consolidated district that draws from numerous surrounding small towns, and we are growing in student enrollment every year. We are a combination rural and suburban district. Our demographics are that we have 15% free and reduced lunch participation and we have 10% special education. Like a lot of schools, we have seen an increase in those numbers in recent years. To our district, in the context of our discussion today, one of the most important thing for schools to do is realize that students' health and also the wellbe...