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Showing posts from June, 2012

My running companions Doubt, Fear and Worry

I have been rolling up miles at a substantial rate of 40+ a week for  over four years now.  I have run a dozen marathons and battled through  some truly treacherous training conditions and some fairly adverse  race day scenarios. In the process, I've conquered Heartbreak Hill, Hospital Hill, the  ultra-distance Bohemian Alps outside of Brainard, and battled a gritty  wind in the starkly sublime Sandhills.  But it occurred  to me when  the alarm went off this morning signaling me to get up for another  early morning workout that it never changes.  What never changes is  the fear, the doubt, and the nagging voice of negativity I hear in the  back of my mind.  And if you run, every day you hear that and you  choose to refute it. You renounce fear and uncertainty to embrace  commitment and the courage to keep after it. I think runners are a superstitious lot and, let's face it, mustering  the will to go 26....