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Showing posts from January, 2013

In support of Career Academies: LB47 testimony

January 29, 2013 Good afternoon, Senators: My name is John Skretta and I am the Superintendent of the Norris   school district. I first want to thank you for your service here on  the Education committee and your service to the state of Nebraska. Today, I would like to encourage your consideration and hear the case  for our affirmation of LB 47 . We inhabit southern Lancaster County as  well as the northern part of Gage County and a sliver of Otoe. I  provided you with copy of our Annual Report so that you have a quick  contextual overview of our school district – I am here today  speaking on behalf of LB47. Norris has been a charter member of the Southeast Nebraska Career  Academy Program . As such, we have had dozens of students over the last  several years participate in intensive career academy experiences on  our own campus outside of Firth and in Lincoln on the SCC campus as  well as out in various local businesses...

What I hate about cold weather running & why I keep doing it, anyway

If you're just (insanely?) dedicated to distance running or you're already training for the local favorite Lincoln marathon , then odds are you have encountered the abysmal reality that cold weather running is a necessary precondition for putting the required training time in for those spring marathons and summer road races.  Here's a short list of some of the things I find to be persistently pestering about cold weather training - those December - March Nebraska runs that require you braving bitterly cold conditions: 1. Frozen eyelashes.   Betsy Barent pointed this one out the other day.  So true.  The eyebrows freeze and the moisture from your eyes eventually seals your eyelids shut...making it oh so much harder to, well, see.  Not to sound like a running snob, but, well, seeing is one of those things that really helps to facilitate the running experience. This many pairs of gloves and I still can't feel my fingers? 2. First, when your fingers go numb....