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Showing posts from 2016

Difficult discussions are opportunities for growth: let's grow together!

Here's some advice for helping ourselves through crucial conversations which we must have, every day, with many others. . . . sometimes planned, often unplanned - and deep in the fourth quarter of a school year, staff tensions, parental conflict or dissatisfaction from a stakeholder may be the impetus for these school-based conversations. They offer great opportunities for personal growth and organizational improvement, so embrace them as such! Here are some reminders to educators for positive and productive outcomes from difficult discussions: Remember that if someone is talking to you - that is good! They value you, they believe you can help, they believe you have the power to positively assist them.  Listen first, then talk Rehearse empathy statements (sometimes that's only a "thank you for sharing that" but often it can be more meaningful than that) If you are mad or defensive because you feel accused, count down before responding or wait it out until you real...