Responding to a crisis event in schools: Panelist comments for Nebraska School Public Relations Conference
It's my pleasure today to address the Nebraska School Public Relations conference and share some thoughts as one voice on a panel for Responding to Crisis Events in schools. Whether it is recovering from the decimation of an F-4 tornado, responding a to a bus accident that resulted in dozens of students being transported to local trauma centers, or reacting to situations where volunteers or staff members committed egregious or embarrassing acts, it's essential districts have effective communication protocols for tough situations. Here's my simple advice, earned through experience:
“Guano happens.” Saw that on a bumper sticker
the other day, and it’s a relevant point in crisis response: Respond to what
the situation gives you; each scenario you encounter is a bit different.
Have (and consistently review during mundane and
routine times) clear internal communication protocols.
Professional development in disaster
preparedness is highly beneficial: FEMA – NIMS, ICS, etc. Clarify roles,
delineate responsibilities.
Be timely: “Beat the tweet.” Heard that from the
Superintendent of Louisville, KY. Use the communication platforms you have
available to communicate timely and accurate information so that misinformation
via social media does not hold sway.
“There can be only one quarterback.” Doc Baker
used to say this. You don’t want a two quarterback system in crisis response.
Make sure it’s clear who is calling the plays and who your district voice to
media is.
Be transparent. Actively acknowledging that some
factors may be unknown and are being investigated is a much more honest
response than ducking media or uttering the classic gaffe of “no comment” as
your comment.
Manage the message: Get your own press release
out there. Use all available means to communicate and go ahead and be
redundant! Redundancy helps get the word
Work with your local media personnel. Media are
not the enemy. They have an important job to do. The more outreach that has
occurred from the school to media prior to a crisis, the more likely there is a
level of trust established in communication processes.
Value the work of others! Respect the needs of local
law enforcement and emergency responders, thank them for their difficult and dangerous work, and follow incident command protocols.
Know the needs of your personnel. Don’t stop
listening to others. Respond with empathy and communicate the facts while
providing as much reassurance as possible. Together, the team will get through
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